defo - didi
- defoaming agent
- defocalised beam
- defocused beam
- defocusing
- defocusing efficiency
- deforestation
- deformability
- deformable film
- deformable high way marker
- deformable thermoplastic
- deformation
- deformation bands
- deformation calorimetry
- deformation calorimetry method
- deformation containment volume
- deformation development
- deformation deviator
- deformation field
- deformation hysteresis
- deformation incompatibility center
- deformation of alignment phase
- deformation pattern
- deformation plasticity
- deformation potential
- deformation properties
- deformation texture
- deformation tolerance of hologram medium
- deformation zone
- deformation-tensor field
- deformation-type constitutive relation
- deformed boundary
- deformed grain structure
- deformed rebar
- defouling
- defraze
- defrazer
- defrothing agent
- defruiter
- defuzzification.
- degarbling